4 Things You Can Do Every Day for a Better Every Day

Improving your outlook in life can have a dramatic impact on how you feel. Let's have a look at 4 entirely free ways you can feel better every day.

4 Things You Can Do Every Day for a Better Every Day
Photo by Edu Lauton / Unsplash

The Art of Gratitude

It might seem a simple concept, and frankly at first might even appear counter-productive. But gratitude, ironically, is something we take for granted. It's one of the most powerful ways of bringing yourself back down to the ground, and taking stock of where you are right now.

Imagine your life 5 years ago. No matter whether you think you have made progress in certain aspects of your life in those 5 years or not, the fact is, there are probably parts of your life you are much happier with today, than you were 5 years ago. Focus on them. Bring them to the front of your mind. Now, imagine you died in your sleep last night, you met the creator of the universe, he said to you, "Here, I'll give you one last chance to appreciate your life. Go and take another look". What would you do differently today? You would probably wake up with new eyes.

"Tomorrow will be the most beautiful day of Raymond K. Hessel's life. His breakfast will taste better than any meal you and I have ever tasted. — Tyler Durden, Fight Club.

The infamous stoic philosopher, Marcus Aurelius once wrote, "You could leave life right now. Let that determine what you do and say and think."

We all think we have unlimited time on this Earth, and the fact is, many of us waste what little time we do have living in some made up future in the forefront of our minds, whilst our real life goes by us.

Some of the easiest ways to start practicing gratitude today, are with a gratitude journal, or with an app like "Journal" on iPhone. What are you happy for today? What good things happened to you today?

Spend More Time in Nature

This is a simple one, but many of us are consumed by the day to day lives we lead we barely give it a second thought. It's scientifically proven that being outdoors in nature for at least 120 minutes a week dramatically improves your health and wellbeing. It shouldn't be rocket science. Our lives today are filled with information and overstimulation. We have forgotten how to switch off, and enjoy living.

"I am a human being, not a human doing. Don't equate your self-worth with how well you do things in life. You aren't what you do. If you are what you do, then when you don't, you aren't” — Dr.Wayne Dyer

It's no secret that being around nature makes you feel better. But the fact that you're probably exercising whilst you do so, is an additional health benefit. Lots of us forget to do anything with our lives that involves taking time out just for us, to appreciate the planet we live on. Going outside for just 20 minutes a day, spending time in nature, you may find yourself amazed at what is right on your doorstep.

Stop What You Are Doing

Just for ten minutes. It doesn't matter when, it just matters that you do. In this time of life, I could bet my last doggy biscuit that you can't remember the last time you took time out just for you. Go on, try right now. What did you remember? Let me know. Lots of us do not know how to stop thinking, to concentrate on nothing for just ten minutes a day.

The act of meditating is a powerful one. It's also free, for the most part (at least if you avoid all those "gurus"). When people think of meditating, they picture the Buddha, all wrapped up in the Lotus position, fingers in the air, chanting something they probably don't understand, accidentally summoning Max Verstappen. But it's nothing like that, or it doesn't have to be. Meditation can be just you, taking time out of your life, to sit somewhere quietly with your eyes closed focusing on nothing but your breathing. Letting your mind empty, your thoughts pass by, and learning to slow down again.

man in red shirt sitting on beach during daytime
Photo by Geraldine Lewa / Unsplash

One of the best free apps I can recommend for meditation, is InsightTimer. It's a bit of an unintuitive name, but don't let that put you off. It's brilliant, and actually has guided meditations for free. So if you're a first timer, and you don't really know what you're doing, pop on of those on and it will guide you through it. You can usually set the time as well. So if you only have a couple of minutes spare, it's great to have to hand. Pop in your earphones, and away you go.

Wake Up Before Everybody Else

If you're anything like me, I love to nap. I love to sleep. But one of the most underrated things you can do to elevate your mental state for the day ahead, is to wake up early. Wake up before the sunrise, or with the sun. You might be reading this now with furrowed brows, thinking, "I am NOT waking up early", but let me tell you why you should.

Better Quality of Sleep

Waking up earlier means that you're showing more intent with your sleeping pattern. If you can wake up earlier consistently, than you must be going to bed at a consistent time. This in itself is setting an intent with your subconscious, and helps your body regulate itself. A consistent routine also promotes healthy melatonin release, and ensures you have a good nights sleep. Of course, all of this goes out the window if you have kids 😆

Improve Mental State

Many studies have proven early risers have a more relaxed mindstate, better prepared for the day ahead. This is likely attributed to the fact that they don't have to fly out of bed at 5 minutes to 9 with 5 minutes to eat, shower, brush their teeth, get dressed and catch the bus for work. It allows for a more controlled, and less demanding start to the day. It's 5am, the world hasn't woke up yet, and neither have I — get the coffee on.

More Time Overall

Time. The key word. Having more time overall makes us feel better. Nobody likes to be rushed, and if you do, you're a psychopath (disclaimer: probably). early risers have more time to eat a better breakfast, they're also proven to be fitter and healthier than those who wake up later. Recent studies suggest that those who wake up earlier burn more fat than those who are night owls and wake up later. On the contrary, night owls are said to be more prone to depression, heart disease and other illnesses, but studies suggest that they may have more cognitive function than early risers. Who will win? There's only one way to find out! Fighttttt!

A vibrant image capturing a unique scene: an early morning lark, resplendent in feathered hues of red and gold, battling a night owl, its sable feathers incrusted with tiny specks that mimic the twinkling stars. They are engaged in a fervent struggle, feathers flying in an explosion of contrasting colours. Meanwhile, in the background, a diverse group of scientists, men and women of varying descents including Hispanic, Middle-Eastern, and Caucasian, are carefully observing this extraordinary sight. Equipped with notepads and pens, they diligently jot down observations, engrossed in their scientific pursuit. — DALLE 3

Do you have any tips for improving your mind state every day? Have a morning ritual you'd like to share with us? Send a woof to [email protected]